I noticed today that the last blog entry on this site was from February, 2020.  That might as well have been from another lifetime ago!

I thought I might post a short note to update folks on where things stand with my practice and how court proceedings are…proceeding (or not).  Sitting here on December 2nd, in person appearances have more or less come to a halt in both the criminal and family court realms.  The Hall of Justice, here in Rochester, used to be a bustling and noisy place most mornings of the week.  No more.  Some days the deputy sheriffs on duty seem to outnumber the people who have business in the various courts.  An eerie quiet permeates most floors.  Besides arraignments on criminal matters, and certain other emergency proceedings, everything has now transitioned to “virtual appearances” – meaning conference calls over programs like Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business.  Many of my clients are calling in by phone to these appearances.  All jury trials in criminal matters are on hold.  Fact-finding hearings in Family Court are being conducted virtually…yes, full on trials over a video conference.  I used to spend my days in courthouses.  I now spend them in front of a small camera attached to my computer.  No one could have ever imagined this.

Some adjectives that come to mind to describe the present situation for my clients are: frustrating, slow, confusing, impersonal, and uncertain. In times like these, clients have to depend on me to explain to them what is happening and why because the picture folks have in mind of standing up in a courtroom in front of a judge is not particularly close to reality, and who knows when it will return to normal.  Not any time soon, unfortunately.

Having counsel who can guide you on this uncharted path is more critical than ever.  Give me a call if you are in need of that type of assistance.  After all, I’ve been working daily in this Twilight Zone since the world stopped turning in March.

Stay safe, stay positive, and be smart about the risks that COVID poses to you and everyone else.